Private Job vs Government Job — Which is better in 2021? Pros and Cons

Avin A
2 min readFeb 22, 2021

Private job or Government job, this question was there or still there inside everyone. In a country like India this question become prominent and we are living in a society which consider government job as a status or power. Things started changing but this query still exist. We candid invoice team believes that every job has its own dignity and power, it’s important that you have a job or you should be financially independent.

This query is irrelevant in a situation where getting a job is very difficult. Most of us are brought in a society where getting a government job is more important than getting a job. The respect and value you gain from society of being a government employee is very high, there was a time where parents use to force their children to get a government job, no matter which post or what level of education he has, but getting a government job is a must.

Even marriages are decided based on the job status, family want only boys who have government job. If you have a government job (any post) then your demand will be very high. You may be knowing millions of Indians are unemployment and unemployment rate in India is very high. We can’t blame government completely, most of the individual graduated or post graduated wait for a government job rather than getting any appropriate job.

Please note that the story will be different in different sectors or different companies, if we take government job then the banking sector will have different benefits than that of defense and so on. Similarly, private jobs also vary based on sector, companies and position.

Private Job vs Government Job


This should be first point to compare, before discussing whether private job or government job is better, we should first consider how to get a private job or government job. Selection process of government job will be very difficult than that of private job. The competition and number of applicants is also very high in Government Job. For 1000 vacancies in government sector there will be 5 lakhs plus application which again makes it difficult to get.

In Private sector you will be having a written exam followed by group discussion and interview. This doesn’t mean that getting a private job is easy, it is also difficult but much better than government job. So, regarding competition and selection process private job is the winner.

To get a government job you have to attend prelims exam then main exam and, in some cases, you will be having tier-3 exam. When you qualify all these exams then you have to attend group discussion or interview or both….

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Avin A

I am a Data Analyst and a blogger. You can find some interesting articles to read from —