Bullet Baba Temple — Place where 350cc Royal Enfield is Worshiped

Avin A
4 min readJan 27, 2021

HomeTemple Mystery Bullet Baba Temple — Place where 350cc Royal Enfield is Worshiped

India is a country where more than 33million gods are worshiped. This a wonderful place where stones, trees, animals, birds, sun, moon, solar system etc. even humans are worshiped as god. Indians always give respect and values to our culture and customs. Do you know that in India a Royal Enfield bullet is worshiped? yes, it’s true. There is a temple known as Bullet Baba Temple situated in Bandayi village which is situated around 40 kms from Jodhpur in Rajasthan.

News of this miracle spread like wildfire and the bike is now the idol in the temple. ‘Bullet Baba’ is a temple located in Bandayi village near Jodhpur in Rajasthan. It is dedicated to the 350cc Royal Enfield ‘Goddess’. The temple is known as the Bullet Baba Temple and is dedicated to a man named Om Banna who died in an accident while riding his ‘bullet’ 20 years ago. This temple is also known as Shri Om Banna temple.

Today also you can the bullet in the same place, the bullet is decorated with flowers and in good condition. Devotees gather to worship the Enfield Bullet motorcycle which is kept inside a glass box, open and decorated in front of it. People praying here for safe travel claim that the bike has supernatural powers. Travelers specially riders who travels by this way stop their bikes and pray to Bullet Baba for their safe journey, even people who lost their bikes used to come here and pray to Bullet Baba for their bike. People believe that this bike has supernatural powers and which always listen to their prayers.

History Behind Bullet Baba Temple

There is a mystery behind the Bullet Baba Temple, On December 2, 1988, Oli Banna (an youngster) was traveling from the town of Bangadi near Sandero in Pali where he lost control of his motorcycle and crashed a tree. He died on the spot when the motorcycle fell into a nearby ditch. Local police took the motorcycle to a nearby police station. The next day it was reported that the bullet had secretly disappeared from the police station and was returned to the scene where accident took place. Police once again seized the motorcycle, this time emptying its fuel tank and placing it under lock and key. Despite his efforts, it disappeared again the next morning and was found at the crash site.

Every attempt by the police to keep him in the local police station failed and reports says that after every attempt the motorcycle return back to the crash site. The motorcycle always returned to the same place before dawn. It was considered a marvel by the local population and they began to adore “bullet bikes”. The news of the miracle motorcycle spread to the surrounding villages, who later built a temple to worship it. This temple is also known as the “Bullet Baba Temple”. It is believed that the spirit of Om Banna helps the travelers.

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Bullet Baba Temple Worship

The news spread like wild fire and now that place is converted into ‘Bullet Baba Temple’. Villagers and tourists use to visit the place and worship Bullet Baba. All travelers travelling through this path will stop here and pray for their safe journey. It is believed that if we pray at this temple then journey will be safe. The tree that led to Om Banna’s death is adorned with glasses, scarves and so on. Offerings include incense sticks, flowers, coconut, wine, red thread and sweets.

Every day nearby villagers and travelers stop and pray for the bike and its late owner Om Singh Rathore. Those who refrain from bowing their heads leave offerings to honor the spirit of support, and some drivers even offer small bottles of wine on site. The man who did not stop praying in the temple was on a dangerous journey. Devotees also place the ‘Tilak’ symbol and tie a red thread on the motorcycle. The locals sing folk songs under the name Om Banna.

More Mysterious Temple stories on the way…

Originally published at https://www.candidinvoice.com.



Avin A

I am a Data Analyst and a blogger. You can find some interesting articles to read from — https://www.candidinvoice.com/