7 Simple and Practical steps to reduce plastics waste — Avoid plastic from daily life

Avin A
3 min readAug 21, 2022


Plastics have become a major concern for future today, we are seeing the harmful impact created by plastic waste in day today life. While adding a plastic waste always think of 3Rs, Reuse, Reduce and Recycle and we think reduce is the best way to reduce the plastic waste. We completely agree than today we can’t say no to plastic because it has become an unavoidable part of our life but we can think of some practical alternatives which is cost effective and easily available.

We will take you through 7 most effective and practical ways to reduce plastics or plastic waste which we all can apply in our day today without changing our normal or spending an extra penny. If you can reduce plastic waste by even a single product you are a super hero now, you saved our planet.

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Start with simple and easy ways to reduce plastic. Start from you and start from the basic item. Below are some 7 effective ways to reduce plastic waste in day today life.

1.No to Plastic Knifes

We all celebrates birthday, may be ours or our friends or relatives and birthday cake is something which cannot be avoided. Most of the shops still have plastic knifes with the cake. Birthdays are celebrated in different ways but cake is a must item. If 1 Lakh cakes are sold in a day and if 50% of that had plastic knifes then 50k plastics are added every day, which is too much and these knifes are useless and cannot be used for any other purpose. So next time when you buy a cake ask for a wood knife or happily deny the plastic knife. Instead of this plastic knifes use wood or steel knifes when can be used multiple times. We think this is a very simple step we all can take to save our planet from plastics.

2. No to plastic straws

Straws are very common and become our part of life when comes to having cold drinks specially from outside. We consider straws as a step towards hygiene or a matter of comfort or a practice we used too. Next time when you have any cold drink think two points — Are you contributing to plastic waste or is it clean. So next time just say no to plastic straws or if you want a straw ask for paper or bamboo or other bio degraded straws which are easily available in market now. You can even use steel straws which can be used for longer period and can be washed or sterilized. These straws are becoming a great threat for nature, so your simple no can save our oceans and planet.

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Avin A

I am a Data Analyst and a blogger. You can find some interesting articles to read from — https://www.candidinvoice.com/